Monday, August 19, 2024

Dated Publications-A Peek-a-Boo Project


I recently was gifted a box of Vintage Magazines-Jack and Jill and Children Activities from 1950’s. It is intersting to see how things have changed in 70 years and now seem outdated.

The covers are mostly in black and white not glossy shiny found on may magazines of today.

Titels that would be offensive now or at the very least not politicall correct.

There was a clear sepration of genders, this too would not be appropriate for the current understanding of gender identification.

Back at this time even children were encouraged to be productive and contribute to the household or at least have some sort of work ethic.

Some illustrations are definitely cringey.

Appliances and Technology Were Very Different.

Names  have changed.

Rules of the Road have seemed to change too. 

Notice the use of the word “gay” in the stanza above.

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