One of my fondest memories of my childhood was watching the birds come to the feeders outside of our kitchen window. We’d put out suet, sunflower seeds, peanuts, in addition to regular birdseed mixture. My favorite winter bird is the chickadee. This is the inspiration for this instillation.
Supplies: GypsySoul Laser Cuts-Ornamental Birdcages Shape Set, Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts-Snowflake Shape Set, Acrylic Paint- Dark Grey, Burnt Sienna, Metallic Copper, Hi Light Blue, Paint Brush, Chili Powder, Nutmeg, Mister of Rubbing Alcohol and Water, Cheap Hairspray, Matte Varnish, Cardstock, Pictorial Paper, Envelopes in Coordinating Colors, Tag Set from Scrap Paper Pad, Bird Tissue Paper, Frayed Burlap Distress Stain, Iridescent and Blue Glitter, Holiday Greeting, Uhu Glue Stick, Deli Paper, Snowflake Stamp
1. Before Cutting apart GSLC Ornamental Birdcages randomly paint entire front and back with Acrylic Paints of Dark Grey, Burnt Sienna and Metallic Copper.
2. While still wet sprinkle with Chili Powder and Nutmeg spices, spray with water or rubbing alcohol if paint has already dried.
3. Spray with cheap hair spray and keep layering until you have desired effect.
4. Allow to dry fully and then gently coat with a layer of Matte Varnish to seal in all the spices and textures

5. Select Cardstock, Pictorial Paper and Envelopes in Coordinating Colors-I Used Silver, Winter Blue and White, and Vintage Craft Paper.
6. Measure and cut pieces to form your holiday cards.
7. Find a tag set that coordinates with your color scheme and cut out pieces of Bird Tissue Paper to place randomly on top of each using matte varnish.
8. Cut out each customized tag and coat with a layer of Frayed Burlap Distress Stain.
9. Color entire GSLC Snowflakes Shape Set with Hi Light Blue Acrylic Paint.
10. While still wet sprinkle with Iridescent and Blue Glitter; spray with water or rubbing alcohol if paint has already dried.
11. Seal with cheap hairspray.
12. Carefully cut out each GSLC ornamental Birdcage and Snowflake.
13. Make copies of holiday greeting.
14. Assemble your Holiday Cards
Some Final Thoughts.
The Snowbird's Song by F. C. Woodworth
The ground was all covered with snow one day,
And two little sisters were busy at play,
When a snowbird was sitting close by on a tree,
And merrily singing his chick-a-de-dee.
And two little sisters were busy at play,
When a snowbird was sitting close by on a tree,
And merrily singing his chick-a-de-dee.
He had not been singing that tune very long
Ere Emily heard him, so loud was his song;
"O sister, look out of the window!" said she;
"Here's a dear little bird singing chick-a-de-dee.
Ere Emily heard him, so loud was his song;
"O sister, look out of the window!" said she;
"Here's a dear little bird singing chick-a-de-dee.
"Poor fellow! he walks in the snow and the sleet,
And has neither stockings nor shoes on his feet:
I wonder what makes him so full of his glee;
He's all the time singing his chick-a-de-dee.
And has neither stockings nor shoes on his feet:
I wonder what makes him so full of his glee;
He's all the time singing his chick-a-de-dee.
"If I were a barefooted snowbird, I know,
I would not stay out in the cold and the snow;
I pity him so! oh, how cold he must be!
And yet he keeps singing his chick-a-de-dee.
I would not stay out in the cold and the snow;
I pity him so! oh, how cold he must be!
And yet he keeps singing his chick-a-de-dee.
"O mother; do get him some stockings, and shoes,
And a nice little frock, and a hat if he choose:
I wish he'd come into the parlor, and see
How warm we would make him, poor chick-a-de-dee!"
And a nice little frock, and a hat if he choose:
I wish he'd come into the parlor, and see
How warm we would make him, poor chick-a-de-dee!"
The bird had flown down for some sweet crumbs of bread,
And heard every word little Emily said:
"What a figure I'd make in that dress" thought he,
And laughed as he warbled his chick-a-de-dee.
And heard every word little Emily said:
"What a figure I'd make in that dress" thought he,
And laughed as he warbled his chick-a-de-dee.
"I am grateful," said he, "for the wish you express,
But have no occasion for such a fine dress;
I rather remain with my little limbs free,
Than to hobble about, singing chick-a-de-dee.
But have no occasion for such a fine dress;
I rather remain with my little limbs free,
Than to hobble about, singing chick-a-de-dee.
"There is One, my dear child, though I can not tell who,
Has clothed me already, and warm enough, too.
Good morning! Oh, who are so happy as we?"
And away he flew, singing his chick-a-de-dee.
Has clothed me already, and warm enough, too.
Good morning! Oh, who are so happy as we?"
And away he flew, singing his chick-a-de-dee.
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