Wednesday, March 12, 2025

March Memories-A Peek-a-Boo Project

There is a proverb I remember from my childhood, “March comes in like a lion butleaves like a lamb” we would make lions and lambs out of paper plates decorated with construction paper and cotton balls. 

My second favorite hoilday is in March-St. Patrick’s Day.

Revisiting my collection of vintage 1950’s Jack and Jill and Children Activities I was taken back to these childhood memories. I had forgotten about trying to fly kites.

These magazines feature heartwarming stories, fun activities, and charming graphics that can bring out the child in all of us.

The covers of the magazines showcase delightful graphics that evoke pleasant memories of the past. The illustrations inside are equally lovely.

Party Planning and recipes were included.

A craft Ideas was included. 

If crafts weren't your thing, there were stories and poetry to entertain you, and other activities even songs to sing.

The included calendars are fantastic and can even double as coloring pages.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Far Off Fond Memories-A Peek-a-Boo Project

February has many holidays and some of them were in fashion over seventy years ago.  Ground Hog day is on of the first holidays that was celebrated back then. Valentine’s Day and Presidents Day were others that wer celbrated so long ago.

Revisiting my collection of vintage 1950’s Jack and Jill and Children Activities I fell in love all over again with all things vintage. These magazines feature heartwarming stories, fun activities, and charming graphics that can bring out the child in all of us.

The covers of the magazines showcase delightful graphics that evoke pleasant memories of the past. The illustrations inside are equally lovely.

Party Planning and recipes were included.

Craft Ideas are included and remind us that sometimes the simpliest gift is a handmade one, and also the most appreciated.

What fun ideas to think about and remember Ground Hog's Day.

If crafts weren't your thing, there were stories and poetry to entertain you, and other activities.

The included calendars are fantastic and can even double as coloring pages.

Maybe it's not to late to learn a new Hobby and honor your New Year's resloution to get more exercise.