Monday, August 26, 2024

Worth Remembering-A Peek-a-Boo Project


As I get ready for my 36th year as an educator, I've been reflecting on some interesting things I found in my collection of vintage Jack and Jill magazines and children's activities from the 1950s. I stumbled upon a charming vintage graphic of 1950s children that got me thinking about how styles change but some things should always stay important.

 One article that really caught my eye was about school manners. It made me realize how much has changed over the years, with a shift towards a "win at all costs" mentality and a lack of focus on proper decorum. As I gear up to start the new school year on my 61st birthday and teach a group of 8th graders from a different generation, I can't help but feel that some things remain universally true. 

I've always believed that new students can feel lost and lonely, and it's important for me to share with my students that I'm introverted and thrive in quiet spaces. Additionally, I'm looking forward to reconnecting with some students I taught as 6th graders and embracing the opportunity for growth and change together. 

Another article, "Getting Along with Others in School," offered some insightful advice about the importance of treating everyone with respect, even when we may not see eye to eye. It's a wonderful reminder that striving for understanding and cooperation can truly benefit the entire class.

There was asong to sing on their way to school.Now on the bus there may be students with earbuds in but I doubt they are singing a song about school. Music csn have a calming effect on the classroom and I have played intrumental music to help some students focus.

Students were taught how to cook and make their own lunches. Now many students lunches are full of sugary snacks and junkfood.

There was a whole article about what schools were like in the Ancient Greece and Rome. Students of today think that when I talk like school was like in the 1960's and 1970's seem just as far fetched.

If you are not sure what to do with you summer students before they return to the classroom, you can alway plan a Play School Party. There is a saying that goes "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." I wish this were true. I am ready to teach but so few are ready to learn. I am hoping that teaching STEM will be more engaging for my 8th Graders and I can ignite a love of learning once again for our classroom.

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